Wedding Trends 2021

With most 2020 weddings more or less cancelled, we look towards 2021 and consider how COVID will shape future weddings. Hour Weddings Gibraltar has been in the industry for nearly 20 years now and although Gibraltar has not been as badly affected as the rest of Europe, we certainly feel the pain of our neighbouring countries and brides. 

Trend 1- Smaller crowds and outdoor venues

When investing in such a potentially expensive day, risking cancellation due to large numbers is something you do not want to dabble with. Keeping parties small mean you are more likely to go ahead with plans without last minute having to cut out beloved guests who may have paid to travel a long way to see you. Also, outdoor venues = circulation and comfortable guests who wont be terrified to come to a poorly ventilated party.

Trend 2- Elopement

Hour Weddings has already seen this trend picking up in Gibraltar. More couples are choosing to elope and travel alone abroad to get married? The prospect of cancelling, postponing and stressing is so 2020, couples are preparing with a romantic trip to a safe beautiful venue- Gibraltar anyone?

Trend 3- Live Stream + entertainment

Hour Weddings couples are asking to stream! Zoom and other popular sites which provide streaming services are becoming an ever more popular way to invite all your guests to your beautiful day. Another popular trend is entertainment via streaming services too, these include the first day and even live music. 

Trend 4- No canapés or buffets

I could not think of anything more 2019 than buffets and canapés, how could we ever go back to this method of serving food?! Hour Weddings have seen more sit down preferences and in most instances it has been removed from most wedding venues in Gibraltar. 

Heres to hoping for a better year, Hour Weddings x